How to Choose a Waterfront Architect For Your New Build

A great architect will guide you through the discovery process by sharing previous projects that help tease out your own unique style and taste. 

Imagine the luxury of waking up every morning to waterfront views and opening the windows to a cool coastal breeze in a home that is designed just for you. Picture the joy it would bring you to call this fantastical dream home your own— and just steps away from your own private coast. When you work with an experienced waterfront architect who specializes in modern new builds, this fantasy can become reality—and it’s really about choosing the right firm with the talent and capability to realize your visions.


Below, the luxury home architects at Christopher Pagliaro Architects outline how to choose the right team for your waterfront new build so you can rest assured that your project will match your vision laid out right from the beginning.

"Imagine the luxury of waking up every morning to waterfront views..."

Keep Your Eye Out for New Build Expertise

When it comes to waterfront building, expertise is key. You should only work with a team that has extensive experience dreaming up luxury homes with safety, quality, and innovation in mind.


Specifically, you want to ensure that your architect has new-build experience. New-builds are an entirely different beast from renovations, especially when you enter the world of luxury design and build. It’s imperative you hire an architectural team that has been around the block before. 


At Christopher Pagliaro Architects, our team is made up of seasoned architects who have designed award-winning projects. While many of our team members specialize in New England waterfront new-builds, we have designed boundary-breaking new homes on an international scale. Learn more about our team and experience to determine if our architectural firm is a good fit for you.

Review Their Waterfront Architecture and New Build Portfolio

You want to work with a team that has an impressive portfolio of projects to draw inspiration from for your own home so it’s important that you evaluate the ability for your potential architectural partner to design a space that suits your inspiration, lifestyle, and goals for your home. A great architect will guide you through the discovery process by sharing previous projects that help tease out your own unique style and taste. 


If you’re considering working with our team to design the waterfront new-build of your dreams, take a moment to journey through our portfolio to see if any projects pop off the screen for you.

Consider The Design Philosophy of Your New-Build Architects

The home you design will be your own, and it’s essential you choose an architect who can realize your vision. When choosing a waterfront architect to design the dream home tailored to you and your family’s needs, consider asking about their architectural philosophy to see if it’s something that fits your own vision for your home. 


At Christopher Pagliaro Architects, our philosophy is simple. We believe that all homes should enhance, as well as reflect, the complete context within the environment. That means architecture should inspire and originate structures that maximize the natural light around us and its effect on space, form, and function. We believe in spaces that merge the exterior with the interior, drawing on breathtaking natural landscape throughample windows that maximize the view.


If you believe that your waterfront home should reflect the natural scenery around it, you would be a great match for our firm. Learn more about our architectural history and design approach on our philosophy page.

Ensure Their Expectations for Process, Timeline, Budget, and Communication Match Your Own

Working with an architect on a new-build is a time-consuming process where homeowners and architects work closely together over a period of months or even years. It’s essential your personalities are a good fit and you are on the same page about expectations, timeline, and process. Here are some questions you should ask a prospective architect when considering a partnership:


  • How long will this project take from design to execution?
  • What is your design process?
  • How often do you communicate project updates and via what channel?
  • How often do you visit the site in person during the construction phase to ensure success?


These are just a few of the many questions you should ask your architect to ensure your expectations match their own. In terms of our own process, we work very closely with our clients to ensure their projects are completely tailored to their needs and lifestyles. We don’t rush projects because we want to get them right from the start, and as Chris would say, “Your job is to create the problem. Mine is to resolve it for you.” We want to be your architects and your advocates. 


To learn more about how we manage the design and construction phase of a project, read our recent article: What to Expect When Working with Christopher Pagliaro Architects.


You can also learn more about our detailed design process here for information about how we approach each step, from early design to construction administration.

Talk to Christopher Pagliaro and His Team of New England Architects About Building the Waterfront Home Of Your Dreams

Christopher Pagliaro Architects specializes in waterfront homes that break the boundaries of traditional architecture. We’ll work closely with you to dream up a home that is completely tailored to your personality and lifestyle. To start a dialogue with our experienced and award-winning team, fill out a contact form today or call 203.838.5517.

Want to Learn More About Waterfront Architecture?

Hallmark of a Christopher Pagliaro Architects project is the marriage of the structure and site to create a sense of place. To get started on your waterfront home project, get in touch with our team today.

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